Agfa Radiology Solutions and IBEX have collaborated to integrate IBEX Bone Health (BH) into DensityScan™, providing automatic detection of osteoporosis from every compatible routine X-ray.
DensityScan™ aims to improve osteoporosis case findings by automatically identifying patients at heightened risk from a compatible radiograph.
“ At IBEX we firmly believe that awareness is the first step to change. Improving screening services will empower patients to take control of their own bone health and raise the profile of the disease amongst clinicians. We are excited to be powering Agfa’s DensityScan™ and share a common vision to raise awareness of the disease, hopefully before a patient has suffered their first fracture.” says Dr. Paul Scott, CEO of IBEX.
“DensityScan™ fits in Agfa’s vision to transform radiology by bringing intelligent and definitive answers to patients with x-ray imaging. Aside from the benefit of improving patients’ quality of life, we are committed to leveraging the low cost and easy access of plain radiography to reduce the pressures chronic diseases and a growing elderly population place on healthcare professionals, hospitals and society,” completes Paul Danini, Global Software Marketing and Product Manager at Agfa Radiology Solutions.
Read the full press release here