Dicom Conformance Statements

Here you will find a range of DICOM 3.0 Conformance Statements for a wide variety of Agfa products.

Below you will find a current overview of available Conformance Statements and for which products they are valid. On the bottom of the page you will find the Validation Toolkit to download.

The documents are available in the Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) and can be read with the Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you do not have this, you can download it free of charge.

Click here to go directly to the ACR-NEMA website.

To help you locate and select the Conformance Statement you’re looking for, here follows an overview of Agfa products and their associated Conformance Statements:

DRYSTAR 5300 – Doc. 000725
DRYSTAR 5301 – Doc. 001538
DRYSTAR 5302 – Doc. 001000
DRYSTAR 5503 (SW 5.0) – Doc. 001079
DRYSTAR 5500 & 5503 (SW 6.x) – Doc. 001213
DRYSTAR AXYS – Doc. 001150

CR/DR Systems
NX 2.0.8500/3.0.8500 – Doc. 001343
NX 2.0.8600/3.0.8600 – Doc. 001355
NX 2.0.8700/3.0.8700 – Doc. 001390
NX 2.0.8800/3.0.8800 – Doc. 001425
NX 2.0.8900/3.0.8900 – Doc. 001492
NX 3.0.8950 – Doc. 001541
NX 3.0.9000 – Doc 001548
NX / – Doc. 001560
NX – Doc. 001596
NX – Doc. 001610
NX – Doc. 001639
NX – Doc. 005001
NX – Doc. 005003


SE Suite
SE Suite 2.0 – Doc. 001394

ACR-NEMA Conformance Information
The Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine (DICOM) standard has been developed to meet the needs of manufacturers and users of medical imaging equipment for the interconnection of devices on standard networks. Go to the ACR NEMA website.


Dicom Validation Tool

DICOM is increasingly being used as the standard communication mechanism when integrating various products in a hospital environment. The medical products involved include Modalities (CT, MR, X-Ray, etc.), Workstations, Archives, Printers and HIS/RIS devices.

The DICOM standard is used to define the communication capabilities of each product type to a degree that allows products supplied by different vendors, to be connected together to form an open, integrated diagnostic/treatment facility.

Agfa HealthCare has, and, is developing, a significant number of products that make use of the DICOM standard for communication. It is the intention that each product can be connected to other DICOM products, either Agfa HealthCare own or 3rd party.

Therefore, a need exists to ensure that the products conform to the DICOM standard in a way appropriate to their function. The DICOM Validation Tool (DVT) provides an independent means of evaluating a products conformance to DICOM.

Agfa HealthCare is making DVT available free of charge to anyone interested in testing DICOM devices (Refer to Software Licence Agreement during installation for more details).

Download DICOM Validation Tool