MUSICA™ Image Processing

Your first image, is the right one

The diagnosis is in the details

Every image counts and every patient deserves the best care. With MUSICA™ image processing, you can deliver the image quality and content needed for a confident diagnosis, within a seamless and efficient workflow!

Read the brochure

“Gold-standard” image processing: a tradition of innovation

. Always delivers consistent, high quality results, independent of collimation or direct exposure areas

. Enhances the visibility of all clinically relevant structures, regardless of frequency content

. Offers maximum ease of use and optimum image output every time, regardless of collimation, body part, modality or patient position

. Can be flexibly finetuned to match tastes and preferences, enabling improved diagnostic confidence



Subtle bone details often tend to fade in the vicinity of implant edges, but with the next generation MUSICA®, these details are well preserved and easily visible.I compare it to being able to hear a pianissimo passage after an explosion.

Piet Vulylsteke – PhD, Senior Researcher at Agfa

How does MUSICA™ 3 work?

MUSICA’s™ Fractional Multiscale Processing technology automatically analyzes the layers of each raw image and optimizes the processing parameters, independent of body part or dose deviation. It enhances noise suppression, offers brightness control, reduces veiling glare, and plays a significant role in enabling potential dose reduction. The result is excellent image quality compared to standard image processing, for both bone and soft tissue.

In order to render the most difficult zones of an image, such as the abrupt transitions from low to high density areas, we have applied a mathematical algorithm, called Fractional Multiscale Processing (FMP). With this algorithm, the image processing filters are further decomposed to elementary fractions, which are processed separately. As a result, we can represent the grayscale differences in a more natural way, without artifacts.

FMP also eliminates the need for window level adjustment to enhance visibility of details.

Why choose MUSICA™ for chest exams?

Increased visualization of catheters, tubes and PICC lines

with the Catheter companion image

High details in the mediastinum

with MUSICA 3™

Why choose MUSICA™ for abdomen exams?

Sharp delineation of bowel wall

with MUSICA™ 3+

Clear, simultaneous presentation of both dense and non-dense areas

with MUSICA™ 3+

Improved visualization of abdominal organs and catheters, stents etc…

with MUSICA™ 3+

Differentiation of skin and fat layers in the periphery.

with MUSICA™ 3+

Why choose MUSICA™ for extremities exams?

Sharp trabecular and cortical bone

with MUSICA™ 3

Balanced presentation of both soft tissue and overlapping bone structures

with MUSICA™ 3

True representation of implants with clear bone interfaces

with MUSICA™ 3

Why choose MUSICA™ for spine & pelvis exams?

Increased image quality for bariatric patients

with MUSICA™ 3+

More detail in relevant skeletal structures

with MUSICA™ 3+

True representation of implants with clear bone interfaces

with MUSICA™ 3

Why choose MUSICA™ for neonatal exams?

Optimized visualization of organ boundaries and free air

with MUSICA3™

Clear lung markings

with MUSICA 3™

Sharp bone outline

with MUSICA 3™

Balanced presentation of both soft tissue and overlapping bone structures

with MUSICA 3™

Experience the difference!

MUSICA™ goes dynamic

With advanced technologies like

  • Fluoroscopy
  • Digital Substraction Angiography (DSA) and roadmapping
  • Digital Tomosynthesis ( DTS)

What our customers say


“ The image quality is exceptional!  MUSICA and the DR 600 are keeping the imaging workflow smooth and efficient, while meeting the quality and dose reduction needs for patients and staff.  The fact that we don’t need to adjust the images has a lot of advantages: image quality, workflow, efficiency… we save a lot of time.   And we are also getting a consistent appearance to our images, which is important for referrers and clinicians.”

Michael Neep
Team leader radiographer Logan Hospital, Queensland, Australia
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” Upgrading to DR will make our imaging more efficient overall. But with the MUSICA Chest+ for gridless bedside chest imaging, our mobile imaging in particular will see a big increase in productivity, as well as in comfort for both staff and patients.”

Natalie Gartland
Deputy Imaging Services Manager of Royal Brompton and Harefield NHS Foundation Trust
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“Having the digital tomosynthesis with our DR 800 offers us an additional imaging choice that speeds up diagnosis. It reveals things that might not be visible with classical X-ray. Yet it can be done without moving the patient from the X-ray department.

Dr. Robert Zbyslaw
Radiologist, Ilawa Hospital, Poland
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Read more in our Whitepapers

DR 800 – New concepts in Dynamic Imaging

This Whitepaper provides deeper insights into Dynamic Imaging, which has been successfully introduced along with a number of other features and improvements for optimal fluoroscopy and Rapid Sequence imaging.


Providing image quality for mobile radiography

Image quality from mobile radiography presents specific challenges.  This study covers the evaluation and re-confirmation of the image quality produced by Agfa Radiology Solutions’ DR 100s mobile system.


MUSICA Catheter Processing

This white paper investigates the value of Fractional Multiscale image Processing (FMP) for creating a dedicated PICC image.

The authors found that Agfa’s MUSICA™ Catheter Processing with Fractional Multiscale Processing (FMP) technology significantly improved the perception of low contrast PICC line tips in digital chest X-rays, compared to standard image processing.


Non-grid bedside chest imaging

This white paper demonstrates MUSICA’s advanced Fractional Multiscale Processing (FMP) technology for these (difficult) bedside chest exposures, and shows how Agfa uses state‑of-the-art technology to improve the delivery of quality daily care for critically ill patients, as stated by a participating radiologist.

For mobile non-grid imaging, optimal lung field visualization as provided by MUSICA3™+, was seen by the radiologists as the most important aspect of a bedside chest examination. This potentially outweighs the additional improvement of the mediastinum gained by using a physical anti-scatter grid with MUSICA2™ Genrad processing at a 1.6x higher exposure.


Optimizing Patient Dose


To determine the effect of Cesium phosphors on image quality and dose, a technical assessment and an image quality evaluation with radiologists was conducted. The goal of this evaluation was to determine how much patient exposure (and dose) could be reduced while providing the same or similar image quality when comparing conventional BaFBr plate CR system to CsBr needle plate CR system and CsI needle scintillator DR detector when processed with Agfa’s MUSICA image processing.


Agfa DR image quality and patient care

Agfa carried out another large-scale study to objectify and re-confirm image quality for dynamic or semi-dynamic procedures (fluoroscopy, DSA and Roadmapping, digital tomosynthesis,
etc.).  The study involved several hospitals in Germany, Spain and Italy, as well as six independent radiologists reading the sequences.  This white paper highlights and illustrates the methods and most relevant outcomes of this study.


MUSICA™ is standard available on all Agfa’s CR and DR solutions.