DR Mammography Cassette-sized AED*
* not available in the US and Canada
The DR 18M detector supports an easy, vendor-neutral upgrade of your analog X-ray mammography modalities to Digital Radiography (DR). The cassette-sized detector is designed to fit in the 18×24 buckys standard to analog mammography.
The directly deposited CsI-based scintillator and 76 μm pixel pitch resolution deliver the high image quality needed for mammography examinations. The cassette-sized AED detector is compatible with analog mammography X-ray modalities, enabling an easy and vendorneutral upgrade to DR, and leveraging the radiography department’s existing investments.
The scintillator of the detector uses directly deposited CsI. Combined with the high resolution pixel pitch of 76 μm, it delivers the excellent image quality required for digital mammography examinations. The high Detective Quantum Efficiency (DQE) and pixel size support lower radiation dose for patients. In addition, the lossless AED feature of the detector is, due to the simultaneously sensing of the X-ray, not increasing the patient dose.
The DR 18M provides all the advantages of Direct Digital, while enabling you to maximize the use of your existing equipment. Part of Agfa’s DR Mammography solution, it includes the NX image acquisition workstation with MUSICA™ image processing.
for excellent contrast detail and consistent image quality
For early detection of breast cancer, the question for digital mammography is: to what extent does pixel size really matter? And further: is there an optimal pixel size? This white paper answers the first question by comparing the technical image quality properties of several common FFDM, DR mammography retrofit and CR systems of various pixel sizes.
Every woman deserves a safe mammography environment and the lowest possible dose, whether for screening or diagnostic mammograms.
Agfa’s vendor-neutral Mammo DR Retrofit* solution seamlessly gives you all of the benefits of DR mammography (immediate, high-quality images and a smooth, fast workflow) while maximizing your existing mammography investments.
** Mammo DR Retrofit is not available in the US and Canada.
Accidents can happen. Protect your portable DR detector from accidental damage with our DR Detector Care Program. For the solid confidence of knowing it’s always there, where and when you need it.
The DR Detector Care Program covers accidents such as drops and liquid damages caused by the trained user. Once Agfa has determined that the damaged detector cannot be repaired on-site, it will be replaced with a working unit through an accelerated process, to maximize your system uptime. Depending on the service package, you will pay a minimum replacement fee. The DR Detector Care Program can be purchased at the point of sale or max 2 years after original sale, for a period of up to five years.
For decades, Agfa’s MUSICA™ software has been taking image processing to the next level, delivering digital radiography image processing software that automatically produces optimized images.
That’s why we call it the “gold standard”.