4th of February: World Cancer Day

Lung cancer is the most common cancer worldwide, yet it remains one of the deadliest, with over two-thirds of cases diagnosed at an advanced stage. One of the key challenges? Standard chest X-rays (CXR) fail to detect lung cancer in about 20% of cases*—leading to delayed treatment and poorer outcomes.

CriticalScan™, powered by Lunit INSIGHT CXR,  works with X-ray imaging to transform lung cancer detection, helping to reduce overlooked cases by 50%!** With earlier detection, half of lung cancer patients could receive their diagnosis sooner—giving them a fighting chance. CriticalScan™ flags suspected lung cancer cases immediately, alerts radiology teams, enhances accuracy in outpatient and emergency settings, and reduces misdiagnoses and costly patient recalls.

Faster detection means better outcomes. Let’s change the stats!



*  https://doi.org/10.3399/bjgp20X713993

** https://doi.org/10.1148/radiol.2020200165