Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust chooses Agfa’s high-performing DR 600 for unique new diagnostic center in The Glass Works, Barnsley, UK

Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, in Barnsley, UK, has opened a new community diagnostic center (CDC) in The Glass Works, a retail development with a convenient, central location. Offering ultrasound, X-ray, breast screening, phlebotomy and bone density scans, this CDC is one of the first of 40 such diagnostic centers being launched across England, in a range of settings from local shopping centers to football stadiums. “We have had really good feedback about the Community Diagnostic Centre (CDC) from the public. The centre’s location in the heart of town makes it much more accessible and patients have said it takes the edge off having a medical procedure because you don't feel like you are coming to hospital. They also like how they can incorporate their visit with a shopping trip / lunch out in town. Staff also love working at the CDC, with its new, fresh and clean modern design, it provides a day away from the usual stresses onsite hospital working often involves. You can dedicate your whole time to those patients booked on the list and are able to provide a much more patient centred care approach. Myself and colleagues love the Agfa DR 600 digital X-ray room, we have all said how easy it is to use. The Radiologists are also impressed with the image quality,” says Alison Lamb, Service Manager for Medical Imaging at Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. Read the full press release here.