Busy Associazione La Nostra Famiglia, Italy, goes live with DR 600 to support fast and accurate diagnosis

In July 2023, Associazione La Nostra Famiglia, in Bosisio Parini (Lecco), Italy, went live with the Agfa DR 600 direct radiography (DR) room.  For 76 years, La nostra Famiglia, a non-profit organisation with 28 offices in 6 italian regions, is dedicated to the care and rehabilitation of people with disabilities, in particular children and young adults. Examining 4 to 5 patients every half day, the center has chosen the state-of-the-art DR 600 for its radiographer-centered design that delivers ease of use, and its excellent image quality with a ‘first-time-right’ imaging approach reducing retakes and supporting ALARA principles for radiation dose.  The system's proven EasyStich™ technology for full leg/full spine imaging enhances the experience of patients and operators alike. With the DR 600, both staff and patients at La Nostra Famiglia can be sure of low radiation dose and excellent image quality, supporting fast, accurate diagnosis.