Frost & Sulivan white paper highlights the role of SmartRotate in improving radiography workflows

According to the Frost & Sullivan white paper, “Even as the role of imaging has grown considerably, several underlying challenges across the imaging value chain are restraining radiology from being utilized to its full potential i.e., increasing workloads, labor shortages, workflow inefficiencies, etc. These challenges need to be overcome.” SmartRotate™ auto-rotates images to their standard orientation based on their content. Images are thus automatically aligned ready for viewing by the radiologist. By making the panel orientation no longer a concern, the radiographer can focus more on the patient, and less on the equipment. At AdventHealth Diagnostic Imaging Center, after SmartRotate™ was activated a significantly higher proportion of images required rotation, because the radiographers are relieved from the burden to position the DR panel in the correct orientation, according to Frost & Sullivan. Download the white paper for free: