Hull University Teaching Hospitals install three high-performing Agfa DR 600 radiography rooms.

Three Agfa DR 600 direct radiography rooms have been installed at the 700-bed Hull Royal Infirmary, which is operated by the Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, in Hull, UK.   The three DR 600 rooms, each of them with EasyStitch™ technology for full leg/full spine imaging, were chosen for their image quality and workflow benefits. “As a long-standing Agfa customer, we are confident that Agfa best meets our requirements for X-ray imaging and service support. The three DR 600 rooms with full leg/full spine capability offer the image quality and workflow benefits we need to continue to provide top-quality care in our busy environment,” says Ann McFadyen, Specialty Manager General and Fluoroscopy Radiology for Hull University Teaching Hospitals. “We are very proud that Hull University Teaching Hospitals has chosen to strengthen our long-standing relationship, by installing three high-performing DR 600 rooms. This decision is a clear validation of the quality of our solutions, and our ability to support the busiest hospitals and Trusts with proven technologies that meet real needs,” says Georges Espada, Global Head of Digital Radiography Business Unit of Agfa. Read the full press release here.