MUSICA™ Gold Standard Image Processing

The diagnosis is in the details

For decades, Agfa ’s MUSICA™ software has been taking image processing to the next level, delivering digital radiography image processing software that automatically produces optimized images. A truly intelligent solution, MUSICA™ consistently provides the high quality images needed to support the diagnosis, while saving both time and effort. That’s why we call it the “gold-standard”.

Experience the difference for yourself!


results in excellent image quality compared to standard image processing, representing bone and soft issue in a balanced way.

MUSICA™ comes standard with all Agfa direct radiography (DR) and computed radiography (CR) systems

Intelligent technology for image processing:

Analyzes the characteristics of each raw image

Optimizes the processing parameters, independent of body part or dose deviation

Enhances noice suppression

Offers superb brightness control

Reduces veiling glare

Plays a significant role in enabling potential dose reduction

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