The first 28 days of life – The Neonatal Period!

The first 28 days are the most vulnerable time for a child’s survival. Children face the highest risk of dying in their first month of life at an average global rate of 18 deaths per 1,000 live births in 2021. In all, 2.3 Million children have died in the first month of their life in 2021 as per UNICEF data. Agfa’s advanced technology and revolutionary multiscale image processing software MUSICA come together to provide a specific diagnosis solution for neonates that not only helps neonatologists to examine the disease in time, but also supports them to improve the child's survival rate. Listen to the experience of Dr. Viral Anantumar Patel, MBBS, DCH, FNNF PGPN, India with Agfa's neonatal package. Watch his testimonial here.