University Hospital Radiology Group Cork is first in Ireland to implement Agfa’s VALORY™ digital radiography room

The University Hospital Radiology Group in Cork has evolved into the largest consultant-led private radiology services provider in the Munster region of Ireland. In 2022, the University Hospital Radiology Group decided to change its X-ray service from computer radiography (CR) to the benefits of direct radiography (DR). For this important upgrade, the Group chose to stay with its long-term vendor Agfa, and to implement the new VALORY ceiling-suspended radiography room. “Although this is the first VALORY room in Ireland, we had no concerns: Agfa specializes in one modality – X-ray –, and has a proven record as our dependable supplier for 20 years. We also had an opportunity to see a demonstration of the system, and get all our questions answered,” says Dr. James Brennan, Practice Manager at the University Hospital Radiology Group Cork.  He continues, “We had a very small space for the X-ray room – 18 square meters – but VALORY was an ideal fit. Yet it met our other requirements as well, such as the degree of automation between the tube and table as well as the chest stand. Implementation was smooth and the new system was up and running quickly.” “We are delighted that our long-term customer, the University Hospital Radiology Group in Cork, has chosen to upgrade from CR to DR with Agfa and the VALORY DR room. VALORY’s simple design fits into even quite limited spaces. But the ‘beyond basic’ functionality brings reliability, productivity and ‘first-time-right’ imaging into reach for any hospital. The University Hospital Radiology Group especially appreciates the features around radiation dose: dose is embedded on images, and is also available as DICOM data so it can be included in reports. The system’s imaging software, which runs on Windows 10, provides radiation dose parameters for each exam. The radiographers also like the simplicity of the user interface on the tube,” says Caroline Dempsey, Agfa Sales and Operations Manager Ireland. Read the full press release here