University of Cumbria chooses Agfa DR 600 rooms for its diagnostic radiography program

Two Agfa DR 600 direct radiography rooms have been installed at the University of Cumbria’s Lancaster and Carlisle campuses. This 5-campus university in the northwest of England offers a BSc (Hons) in Diagnostic Radiography.  A key component of the course is laboratories where students can learn using 'live' X-ray equipment which replicates the real-life clinical experience they will get on placements in a front-line NHS Radiology Department. Charles Sloane, Principal Lecturer, explains: “We are delighted with the new X-ray rooms. The user interface is perfect for teaching student radiographers. The DR 600 is very versatile and gives us a huge amount of flexibility to show ‘what is under the hood’ and to explain the basic concepts of exposure factor selection, exposure evaluation and image manipulation. We are using the equipment to simulate clinical practice which takes some of the training burden from the NHS, where resources are very stretched. The equipment will benefit a large number of students and will be used to address chronic workforce shortages in radiography.” “We are very pleased that the University of Cumbria has chosen to strengthen the relationship with Agfa with the selection of the two DR 600 rooms. While the university has previously used our DR Retrofit™ solutions, the fully automatic DR 600 will help students to better understand the latest DR X-ray systems on the market, and how they are transforming the way radiographers work. It will also give them greater knowledge of ‘right first time’ imaging, and lead them to understanding positioning technique better,” says Martin Tew - Sales Director UK & Ireland for Agfa. Read the full press release here