White paper: Agfa DR image quality and patient Care

A clinical study outcome on Agfa’s DR 800 dynamic imaging performance

A recent white paper  on Detector pixel size reported on the improvements and challenges introduced in fluoroscopy imaging over the past decades. Concepts such as Automated Brightness Control (ABS), adaptive dose per frame rate (keeping the dose rate constant and independent of the frame rate), and Agfa’s advanced temporal filtering and noise suppression methods have found their way into clinical routine and become state-of-theart technology.

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The ultimate proof remain the clinical image quality and customer satisfaction

Despite the convincing technical performance of such concepts and innovations, the ultimate proof points remain the clinical image quality and the satisfaction of the customers; namely, radiographers and radiologists. For this reason, Agfa carried out another large-scale study to objectify and re-confirm image quality for dynamic or semi-dynamic procedures (fluoroscopy, DSA and Roadmapping, digital tomosynthesis, etc.), in a manner that is comparable to the study around static X-ray quality.

The study involved several hospitals in Germany, Spain and Italy, as well as six independent radiologists reading the sequences. Data was collected during a period of over two years. The most relevant dynamic and semi-dynamic procedure types, both for adult and pediatric imaging, were included.

This white paper highlights and illustrates the methods and most relevant outcomes of this study.

Study facts & figures

Data collected from 6 hospitals in Germany, Italy and Spain


  • 6 readers for Visual Grading Analysis (5 for fluoroscopy and DTS, 3 for DSA and Roadmapping)
  • Image criteria from CEC guidelines or clinical experts
  • 89 sequences read, for a total of 310 scores
  • Statistical sample size calculation and result analysis
  • Additional survey questions

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