People-centered experience

Modernizing the workflow to support a patient-focus culture

Freeing time for better patient interactions

The short time the radiographer spends with the patients is a major opportunity to improve patient satisfaction and outcomes by actively listening to them, answering to their questions, and putting them at ease.

Did you know?

In 2006

the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) established the first steering committee on patient-centered radiology. Since then the subject, has become a key focus in research and clinical practice to

  1. increase patient engagement and satisfaction
  2. enhance patients’ understanding and comfort with radiology tests and procedures
  3. empower them to make better-informed decisions

Technologists behaviour

largely shapes the patient experience in radiology.

In one case observed in a study at a large academic institution, the behaviour of the radiology staff was mentioned in 74% of outpatients feedback comments, far more frequently than waiting times, comfort during test, staff competence, or reporting quality [2].

Humaneness is a key driver of patient satisfaction, especially for pediatric patients, elderly patients  [1] [3].

Lack of time with the patients

is a high source of stress for radiographers [5], together with the pressure to work fast and the increasing workload.



technologist jobs vacancy rate in 2023

is an all-time-high in the US according to the ASRT Radiologic Sciences Staffing and Workplace Survey.

Spikes in vacancy rate reflects a larger scale radiography workforce crisis that affects other countries e.g. in England and South Africa face an average vacancy rate of 13% [4]

Agfa supports patient-centric mentality

Our x-ray solutions are designed with functionalities to alleviate the technologist from some mental or physical tasks, so that he can focus on the patient.



  1. Reducing mental load by automating tasks

Automatic correction of image orientation

Focus on the patient

Which side of the panel is pointing up does not matter anymore, SmartRotate™ automatically presents the image ready for viewing

Reduce stress

In case of multi-trauma patients in emergency, radiographers can acquire x-rays faster & shorten the interruption of the clinical team

Patient positive identification

Avoids patient mix-up

Wrong patient can be identified even if there are verbal communication errors

More time for the patient

0 click to start an exam from the worklist

Automatic tube and panel positioning

Reduce the number of steps for the exam preparation

FLFS workflow can be fully automated. Wallstand bucky can be automatically angulated

Accelerates the exam preparation

Tube, panel and collimation can be pre-positioned according to the exam selected to limit the manual intervention to fine tuning only. Panel and Tube can be automatically tracked in horizontal and vertical directions.

2. Prioritizing patient care

Critical findings alerts at point of care

Accelerate communication between radiology & clinical teams

After receiving an alert, radiographer can directly contact the radiologist or referring physician to prioritize a patient

Improve delivery of patient care

During overnight hours, referring doctor gets information from the AI to decide how to proceed until the radiology report is available

Avoid patient recall

While the patient is still in the x-ray room, the radiologist or physician can ask for extra exposures e.g. a lateral chest

More on CriticalScan™, powered by Lunit INSIGHT CXR

3. Improving the patient & technologist comfort

Patient access

Facilitate wheel chair access

Open space below the Valory table enables the patient to get closer

Easy low-mobility patient access

Ultra low step-up height facilitates the patient installation in the DR800 R&F room

Technologist comfort

Keeping constantly a close eye on the patient

Live camera view enables the technologist to check remotely the patient positioning from the workstation before the exposure

No efforts to move the tube head

ZeroForce Technology offers smooth operation with almost zero effort for manual movements

External references

[1] Blodt S, Muller-Nordhorn J, Seifert G et al. Trust, medical expertise and humaneness: A qualitative study on people with cancer’ satisfaction with medical care. Health Expect 2021; 24: 317–326. doi:10.1111/hex.13171

[2] Andrew B. Rosenkrantz, Kristine Pysarenko, The Patient Experience in Radiology: Observations From Over 3,500 Patient Feedback Reports in a Single Institution , Journal of the American College of Radiology, Volume 13, Issue 11, 2016, ISSN 1546-1440,

[3] Andrea G. Rockall, Caroline Justich, Thomas Helbich, Valerie Vilgrain, Patient communication in radiology: Moving up the agenda, European Journal of Radiology, Volume 155, 2022, 110464, ISSN 0720-048X,

[4] Society pens letter to health secretary calling for urgent talks to end radiography workforce crisis | SoR 

[5] Rutter DR, Lovegrove MJ. Occupational stress and its predictors in radiographers. Radiography2008;14:138–143.